I have to laff! and dave6 always goses off on me. calling me barbarian and all such monstrosities.
why would dave6 have empathy with soldiers?
or more accurately,... when is it possible, logically to empathise with soldiers?
it not logical to emphatise with soldeirs on a mission in a forrin land save that mission is in response to catastrophe and they are there on a mission of mercy.
it is entirely logical to emphatise with and support soldiers in defednse of their homeland, on their homeland...not defending their homeland by attacking and destroying the homeland of others.
if soldeirs reasoned like that, there woud be no human fodder for elites to make war with.
but men agree to be soldeirs, to take and carry out all oders, no matter what they are..or where they are to be carried out.
none os theser orders...not even 1... over a hundered years since world wars began have these orders been anythng but securing and advancing the power and profit of a very small circle of the worlds humans.
soldiers then work in the interest of this small elite, enhancing the power of this small elite in the world, while decreasing the power of everyone else...including sldiers.
this loss of soldier power reflects itself in the fact that soldiers, when they are back from war, become a disrespected and despised section of society, usually injured in mind and body or both, unemployed and discarded, ending up under crumbling bridges, in parks and woods, on street cornes and sundry cubbies as home.
soldeirs then..or the majority of those who become soldiers... despite the experience of a hundered years of soldiering... who have been so destroyed... continue to sacrifice their lives for what is the profit of a few. they kill and maim millions of people whom they do not know, but who have been demonised to them as gooks, chinks, nips, nihghgers, wops, spiks, huks, jerries etc, to be killed on sight.
so terrorised by IEDs, sniper fire and general gurilla warfare in which he does not know and cannot know his enemy, from the general poplation.. soldier runs amok and kill all the people, seeking prolly to end the problem then and there. kill them all and let the american god sort them out. sorting by him is altogether too hard and may cost him his life. they are all gooks anyway.
what are american solderis doing in afghanistan?
thats the question?
soldiers are damm fools and warrant no empathy. they should enlist to go nowhere to fight for anyone, but to defend the homeland. period!
and to emphatise with american soldiers..the only soldiers all over the world killing people of dark skin exposes a man for where his sympathise really lie....not with ordianry folk the world over..only with a certain kind of folk period. and deh aint dark!