at the moment I regard scientists like these and all related thinkers and doers as part of the real, achieved, living life value of humanity.
they have achived stuniign yet in the end waht seems simple truth about the universe we came from and exists in. they help give humanity a real chance to go on by proving the way things are , provindg us with chance and opportu ity to bring life into line and so win an opportunity to live
otherwise humanity is like galatic garbage, debris, destructive living flotsam..destrutive to itself a a collective and for a galactic minute eviscerative of its natural sorroundings.
but nature will soon put an end to that human gone wild moment and we will be no more, eliminate, the momentary opportunity for real life, to on developing, to carry through our destiny that our real intelligence achieved for us dissipated, wasted, gone forever.
humans worse apsects have been emphasised by humanity ignorance and greed, our insistentence in believing in pipe dreams, a man in the sky called god, thousands of such men over the human moment, deliberately fostered belief, conceived and honed by some men bent on the exploitation of the rest, beliefs which quickly ran ou tof cntrol and outstripped even the wildst hope an expecation of their creators and brouhg them wealth unmaginable.
so today we live in the most complete development of belief and its sister quality human greed. there has been also the consequent maxing out of human insecutirty and well as despoilation of the living environment.
all that is positive in human development, in human existnce have been de-emphaisised in favour of that which is evil and destructive, murderous, excessive. in greed human conqueros walk around the world filled with deseases of excess, obesity, literally broken hearts, cancers of all kinds, Ms Pakkinsons...and many more created and spread deliberatly by the conquerors themselves.
humans belifes far from representative of any god, or ideas of god represent the opposed speculative entity the devil wo to justiy the idea of god is always present in such ideatinal constructs. god in such constructs is always good and endl;essly froebearing...while the devil is excutive, activite and far more powerul.
the human devil is the actual active motive force in human existence, made so by choice and practice so that today the devil is almost total, his work dominat now codified in human DNA, the potential of this fact about to swallow human existence without a trace by a subsequent nmoment of universal time.
in a thousand years all signs of humanity wll be gone, whoever are to follow if interest would have to serch and trace for evidence of whatever preceded them, but would be hard-pressed to find any.
human activity, by our own hand has brought us to this brink. we are disgusting for almost our totality, our cohort, our numbers, our collective... galactic garbage and debris.
but for those who buck the trend, face even personal destruction for discovering and telling the truth, we would be nowhere at all. humanity..determined to lie to itself forevere, faces extinctin by its own hand..a well deserved potential given our behaviour to this point.
humanity can save itselef by revolutioning its social mechanism, discarding the deep skin of evil we have clothed ourselves in and reclaiming our humanity, while bringing ourselves into line with the truth we have discoved so far.
the single most important act of reclamation would be to kill the gods we have created, the twin..the one in the sky and its brother, the one in hell... along with the greed in our hearts.
we will carry out a social revlution or die. human existence represenrts one factor alone..the fact of our successful adaptation in natural evolutionary conditions up to now.
if we do not face up to that truth we are bound to do soemthng sooner or later that will eliminate us. the moment we stop being successfully adaptive in nature we are gone.
that is the truth for which no god is responsible. there is no god anywhere. and lest we be careful we will lose our oportunity to become one..or something far more developed than we currenly are. galactic garbage we have become yes but our potential still lives. it is usp to us to reclaim it from our massive self-inflicted and threateningly terminal wounds