What is wrong with you Ketchim? Did you really take the vaccine? You Guyanese fool.
Use your brain.
The capitalist white man is tricking us all into taking the vaccine in order to kill us, so that he will have no more producers and consumers and workers to profit off of.
That is what the capitalists and the big corporations secretly want! They want less profits!
Some experts say that the pandemic shut down the global economy, and forced people to lockdown and so cut into corporate profits, and that this is why the super rich are frantically pushing vaccines to get the economy back up and running...BUT USE YOUR HEAD, MAN! When have rich corporations ever cared about profits?
No! They want to kill us all!
And those who they don't kill, they will enslave, and make us do things which we don't already do, like spend all our lives working for them!
Use your brain!
I know conservatives have been wrong about every issue throughout history, from women's rights, to civil rights, to the abolition of slavery, to segregation, to miscegenation, to children's rights, to climate science, to gay rights, to worker rights, to the dangers of lead paint, to the Earth rotating around the sun, to their support of feudal lords, monarchs, theocrats etc etc, and that for thousands of years conservatism has persecuted scientists from Galileo to Darwin.....but use your brain, man. They are right this time!
I for one refuse to get this vaccine. I also oppose all vaccines given to children at birth, even though they protect them from small pox, measles, yellow fever, polio, tetanus, heppatities etc etc.
This is because I am a sane, rational, free-thinking, unbrainwashed, rugged individualist.
I feel sad for you Ketchim. Last time I saw you, you were a strong, beautiful, Canadian. Now I see that you never stopped being Guyanese.