I looked for a definition of racism and I have never been so pissed in my life at the results of any question I have ever asked of anyone and now anything..the internet
in the lontg wicky wacky presentiation f a definition I went into the history section, the economic section, exactly where I expected good answers to be and found only nonsense.
Racism is relative, so a definition of racism would have to be likewise..therefore the economic/historical factors would be criticial in coming up with a definition of racism, which wud contain how it came about and why, how it has evovled over the time we have known it, and what it is currently.
in the definitions I have encountered there has been no mention of african slavery and white european indenture in the 'new world' and what that led to, the challenges it posed to the money that had invested in opening up the 'new world' and the reponse of money to that challenge.
nowhere in those definitions do we find racism as an officical/semi official policy, fully codified and administratrative, rolling out of that crucible as a way to control society, to divide fundamentally and rule, to secure social control for all time.
nowhere in there are the names listed of those intellects whose works established the theoretical constructs on which racism was built and sustained for almost 300 years now.
its as if those who work to define racism on the net are more keen to obfuscate and and make complicated, than to clarify and enlighten