bwoy! all of this is really funny. I does laff my rass off.
but it cud be dat i doh really understand wat it is in race that makes it sweet... that sweetens all the exploitation in race and mek poor Indians for example, bline to the fact dat they are as ripped off by their elites as any other ethnic group is.
indians are a vast world population but most Indians are poor...and in india desperately poor. it ent have no hunger, starvation and poverty in the westindies like it have in india.
yet India finding money to build hospital in the westindies, send doctors to run it,...send tractors and all kinda thing... but it cyar even find loose change to save hundereds of thousands of farmers, who killed demselves because of what manmohan singh an dem did to Indian agricutlure.
deh bring in GMO cotton and all kinda Monsanto games, dat tie Indian famers in knots, make dem loose money and deh land, tied dem up in big debt and deh kill demdslves, rather than tek the social ignominy of having lost their lands and the resulting poverty.
and wat happen to the is bundled into agri busines and given to monsanto.
isnt that a form of ethnic cleansing and genocide..of Indians, by Indians for the white man..Jews that is for Jews own monsanto as they own almost everything else of real note in the world.
it is the same thing with Bhopal, in which the Indian government colluded with the western governments, to cover up the horror of that event, to water down the damages to be paid to Indian people killed and damaged in that accident.
deh not only watered down the payments but most of it ent even pay when deh do pay people who was to get paid dead and Union Carbide..or whoever.. keeps the money.
not only dat Union Carbide prolly doh even exist no more, so no one cant get to that company in further lawsuits and appeals.
and the executives of that company who knew the dangers the Indian people faced and did nothing to prevent the accident got away scot free. deh live in europe and the USA and the Indian government wont even try to extradite them.
but ordinary Indians, all hopped up on ethnocentrism cant see dat!
as far as I see India is a terrible country, full of people terribly prejudiced, obssessed by race and skin tones. if your are a fair skined Indian all is well. if you dark life is not so easy.
man I can go on and on about India in this vein. there is a great deal of that crap in the Indian mix.
but the important thing is that there is that great class divide in Indian society, that racism..more accuratly ethenocentrism... papers over and keep things going fine for the India status quo..which is a status quo as brutal, rapacious, muderous, genocidal, greedy, destructive of their any african elite, or white elite..indeed any elite class anywhere at all, currently, historically
so despite the fact that indian people have more money than blac which indians have the money and the power, and how deh get it from their own people, collectivisng them, focusing them on indocentrism, that acts as an upward funnell for the profits and power of their elites.
ultimately indian people are no smarter than blac people...than africans. far from it
both ethnic groups of the human species are all hopped up on religion like drug addicts, belief instead of facts, life by faith and not by sight
the behavior of both groups is anathema to their true, collective interest and human social development... which leads to a dead end through ethnocentrism.
humanity can be saved from extinction only by a social democracy that addresses the needs of all humanity.
such a democracy can only be effected by the collective action of all poor ordinary and working people, for such a social reform and formation benefits us..the ordinary people... and not those who now have all the wealth and seek to reduce us all in order to keep that wealth, in this technological and capitalist monopoly stage, that has made the vast majority of the worlds population redundant, from a capiltalst position
and while the human species slips over the cliff to oblivion, the very people whose job it is to save humanity by revolutionisng society..the only people who can do it..the working class, the middle classes, ordinary folk, old, young, employed, uneployed all..listen to how they think and talk right here on this forum.
deh dont have a clue and they roil and fight on this or that side of the bulls*** issues, meant to distract them, to occupy their time and intellects with crap... rather that the real human issues of our time.
thats by faith and not by sight...this hindu here, those christians over there, muslims on the other side.
and god who made no religion laffs his head off and wont lift a finger for these a** all!
god wont lift a finger because he has no fingers. he does not exist. we are on our own and dats that. we solve our problems or we die.
that is the routine, everyday, every minute challenge of existence that humanity faces, that most of us are not even aware of.
I have to laff! a**holes everywhere, in the skies, on the ground, falling from trees.
Indians have all the wealth, all the gold, all the degrees, all the engineers, all the police, all the property...but wen deh dead deh cyar tek nutten with them.
african elites sell out all the land from undah deh people foot, drive dem from the land and give it to white people, to Indians, grow food for their own people while africans stave.
all ah dem, like Mobutu, and Kasavubu before, and like skunt Obama and Michelle now, along with all the dictators deh have thriving all over africa..all ah dem killing blac people by the thousands daily.
dem skunt too will die like everyone else and leave it all here..
and soon, as the effects of GMO, Oil Spills, Nuclear accidents, war, and all the crap thats out and about, the human species as a whole will be gone..and all the 'wealth' will remain right there on the ground with not a soul to eat it, use it, hoard it, kill others for it..all gone back to nature just like skunt we.
but allyuh continue with allyuh theatre man..a theatre of a**holes, full of truly funny slapstick comedy.
Guyanese shud look a lil north and mostly venezuela! see and understand what they have accmplished over the past 15 years. there may be rea, lpositive example in that to follow there.
look at Venezuela... not at India allyuh bline berks.
there may be the example to follow..but not India with all its social bulls***.
all the Indian elite will extend to the westindies is the crappy society it has developed and administers now in India. is that what allyuh want?
the Indian neo-liberal elites do not want anything but what they already have. and dat will be the future of Guyana if it becomes an Indian colony..assuming that humanity has all that time again to live..which I doubt.
guyana will have 200 million people, glittering cities one of which wud be a westindian bollywood...and a hinterland and small town network of desperate poverty and huge human exploitation of the majority of the 200 million, replete with untouchables and all that crap, sealed together by the hindhu religion.
OH MI Gord! dat iis wat allyuh want eh... and wat allyuh go get.
it is time for all ordinary people to grow up and stop allowing themselves to be exploited on all levels of existence
it is time for the revolution. it is reform or die. this is the stage humanity has arrived at. it is time to know that and act accordingly... or die :lipsrsealed: :lipsrsealed: