if Vivek understood the article why wud he ask if it both supported and criticised Obama?
it did nothing of the kind. it placed Obama in a sort of historical context, establishing that he posed a dilema for blac people relative to the fact tha issues Obama represents for blac people, are older than we think and yet must be resolved...the direction we must head in search of resolution.
despite overt white racism towards the president and blac reaction in support of the president, the issue is dat support for the president is support for basic systematic exploitation of blac people globally. of ordinary people the world over regardless of skin colour.
Obama, the president is chief exectuive officer of that very racism that attacks him and all blac people everywhere.
the question that all who subscribe to the scientific method have always have had to deal with is the nature of race and class as basic to an undstanding of society, of social movement..from which point must one start, which is more basic.
class has always won but race is almost no less a factor of importannce.
yet race as we know it in the modern world is the result of a gigantic social manipulation, not a natural fact of existence.
race/racism can die away if it is not attended to by periodic infusions of racism by state engendered socially manipulative activity activity.
its like back in the day in Canada when racism reached a high pitch and organisations like the Western Guard had a field day stoking racist fires in this country.
well..it turned out to have all been Mountie manipulation. the leaders of the western Gurad...the kanadian KKK...were all paid Mountie operartives who formed the Western Guard for the purpose of stoking the radism we had to deal with then.
it seems that when racism is dying away by the general understanding that familiarity among peoples breeds, the status quo revives it to ensure racism remains the tool of oppression it was designed for.
a scholar like Obama would be aware of all this. he wud know all here is to know about modern racism, its origins and purpose. Obama would also know that the status quo absorbs talent necessary fot its maintainance all the time, from start to finish regardles of who it is.
it does not matter if that talent is blac in a situation and at a time when the blac skin is virulently anathema....or if it is a low class individual when such is pariah.
that is how such as Alexander Hamilton, a westindian Mulatto, could become the chief economic actor in the formation of america at the end of the 18-teenth C, and the beginning of the 19-teenth. hamilton was a Rothschild representative and operative in america.
that is how Jefferson became an american founder. that is how Andrew jackson became the greatest american president ever...jackson from a white scottish mother and a blac american, whose brother was sold into slavery.
that is how Lincoln and his VP could become such, as well as Warren Harding and Dwight D Eisenhower...all clearly blac by american standards.
that is how Obama himself became president for he is a representative and operative of the same global interests currently, as those who made Hamilton chief american economic honcho more that 200 years ago, when such as he wud have been killed on the streets in most parts of america for little or nothing.
just as there was place for all those there is one for Obama. and despite the fact that he is blac he is what he is and what he represents and it is not the ineterest of blac people... and ordinary people in the world..
blac people are desperately wrong to follow and support Obama, to be responsive to race in their defence of him...and not class.
this is how class trumps race in real society, why the 'some blac people' the author lists as prepared to settle for the cosmetic value that an Obama presidency means for blac people, and defend him at all costs against the racism in american life, that has become so deep-seated it appears natural social behaviour, come into being with humanity.
not so at all.
the question really is who are these 'some blac people'? the author lists?
if they are the blac elite, whose influence on the majority of blac people helps to keep them in line with support of the blac'face in the white house, then the answer is clear.
like Obama deh too have found a place in the system deh are happy with and the price they pay is keeping their people in line, in support of the status quo that imprisons them, works them over generally and keeps them poor and ultimately out of any decent shot at life.
Obama himself does not care about the racism directed towards him. he knows it, understands it, deals with effectively all the time Obama is in a better postion than all who are racist towards him. deh are the ones in trouble.... not he.
all they can do is vote against him and even that is not guranteed to affect him for he has control of the voting machines.
the only chance they really have is to come out in revolt against Obama and the status quo. but the racists love the status quo and are pissed that Obama has infiltrated it. thats their problem. they are stupid, miseducated...which is why they cant see the story of racism, the truth of it, and their own victimisation as a result.
similarly with blac people who cannot see their ow victimisation by Obama and support Obama regardless.
exactly the way recism was designed to work, by dividing the people, keeping them stupid and victimised, aqt each others throats on every side of the racist equation... while those on top steal everything they can get their hands on, the wholefreakin' country
so in carrying out his real mandate in support of the empire Obama does not care. he knows he has all sides hoisted on psychological hooks of some sort, exploits and kills all...blac, white, everybody, save those who can defend themselves..so far.
and for them he is advacing the most sophisticated weaponry right up to their doorstep so that if he attacks them it would be so fast... seconds actually as opposed to minutes it would take ICBMS to fly from america to whatever target..deh wud have no defense and no ability to hit back.
so I dont know wat Vivek wanted by his question. all I said are from facts on the ground. check them out.
if I answer Viveks question as posed wat good wud it have done but start an argument that wud veer into hypotheticals and ultimately deadlock on nothing but ideas..or a gothca'! result on one side or the other. nothng wud be proved, no real ground travelled, no agreement to diagree etc