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19 Nov 2017 09:56 #354656
by chairman
What are your biggest fears in life? How do you usually respond when you are faced with them?
What scares you? Terrorism? Climate change? Snakes? Germs?
Whether it makes you buy a handgun or hand sanitizer, an electric car or an electric fence, fear drives much of human behavior. And it’s not just fear of physical harm that makes us want to hide under the covers. The twin fears of intimacy and rejection, for example, shape many of our social interactions.
Scientists say fear and its companion — the fight, flight or freeze response — can save us when faced with imminent physical harm.
This served us well when we were cave dwellers, under constant threat from marauding wild animals or invading warrior tribes. But it can often get in our way in modern life.
“Change has occurred so rapidly for our species that now we are equipped with brains that are super sensitive to threat but also super capable of planning, thinking, forecasting and looking ahead,” said Ahmad Hariri, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University. “So we essentially drive ourselves nuts worrying about things because we have too much time and don’t have many real threats on our survival, so fear gets expressed in these really strange, maladaptive ways.”
Dr. Hariri studies the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure that has been called the seat of fear (there’s one in each hemisphere of the brain). But it’s really the seat of anticipation. The amygdala primes you to react — your pulse quickens, your muscles tense and your pupils dilate — even before other parts of your brain can figure out if you need to be scared or not. We are particularly sensitive to anything new, other people’s fearful facial expressions, or anything that resembles something that harmed us in the past.
It’s why you jump when you sense rustling in the bushes before realizing it’s just your neighbor’s cat. That reflex can save your life in certain circumstances such as leaping out of the way of an oncoming car. Trouble starts when you can’t tamp down your amygdala’s response, which makes you obsess and perhaps do counterproductive things when faced with concerning but not life-threatening events like the Equifax hack or a vulnerable social situation like asking someone out on a date.
Always tell someone how you feel because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but regret can last a lifetime.
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19 Nov 2017 10:32 #354659
by alex
My biggest fear is heights. About a month i went with some friends to six flags, and they made me ride acrophobia. That was the worst thing i ever agreed to do in my life. when we got to the top i froze, it was like i couldn't even talk. It was definitely the worst experience ever. Long story short i'm still terrified of heights.
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19 Nov 2017 11:49 #354664
by ramesh
Honestly, fear is a tool, and like any tool, it has the power to destroy, or to strengthen, depending on how it is wielded. Fear is an evolutionary advantage, and while the world has changed and so have humans, we, as a species, are wrong to attempt to cast it aside. It’s easy to lock away fear and let it fester until it bursts forth in an incapacitating incident, but it is just as easy to wear said fear as a mask and refuse to face the world as it is, but rather as perceived by a frightening filter.
Fear can save us. Fear can destroy us. We all know this, but often seem to forget. A life without fear would be a terrible thing. No sense of trepidation at the thought of going down a darkened alleyway at night, no hesitation before attempting a trick that we’re not yet prepared for. But in order to let fear be a part of our lives without letting it take control, we have to step outside ourselves, look our fear in the eyes and say “I see you. I know you. You will stay but you will not be all I see,” and move forward with a new, fortified advisor.
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19 Nov 2017 13:39 - 19 Nov 2017 13:40 #354682
by ketchim
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Last edit: 19 Nov 2017 13:40 by
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What are your biggest fears in life?
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