have not understood a single thing I have said. this is a board in which debate is supposed to flourish. I posed the opposite, played devils advocate and you are supposed to know this as an educated man, and barb in return and we go along.
that is what I was doing. that is simple stuff..stuff the keeps the board ticking over, in argument and banter. you don't know that ::confused:: you are supposed to be an educated man.
what is actually hate my guts thats what! :
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
what advice you are giving me ::confused::
you are insane! listen to your own it. you need it.
it reads like you hate my guts man. your accusation of me as was you who was angry all the time and trying to pin it on me.
Chairman it looks like people hate my guts on your board there is a lot of hate for me here.
send mail to seek help however, it is clear he needs it desperately